Well my new favorite blog is Better After...Its so fun!! Its a blog that shows lots of re do projects..before and after..Its crazy to see the easy and quick changes you can make to things...for a totally different look..SO I have decided to share a few of my recent re-do projects!
Frames...I found these at Goodwill..

I liked the shapes of them so I just spray painted them and did a black glaze finish.....All of the frames on this wall are from Goodwill....The oval frame..I LOVE..It was a mirror..and now I am kicking myself because I didnt want the mirror..wish I would have saved that!!! .okay so if you know our family you can see that I need a few more frames!! You just have to keep checking the thrift stores..:) I'll buy them when I can find them cheap...

I bought these blocks while on vacation..I really liked the border detail.. I went to use them at a photoshoot and it just wasn't working for me..The 3 colors didnt work well and were just boring...There is only 1 block for each letter, so in a name the colors double.

.anyway I wanted some blocks like these that I found on Etsy...But did not want to pay SO much..They were $30 for 6 blocks!!! ya, not happening!! .I talked to my husband and tried to get him to make me some..after seeing his non-excitement I decided maybe i could re-do these! (Total cost of blocks and spray paint $20!!and I have 26 blocks!! not just 6)

SO I re-did these..I love them:) I cant wait to use them in a photoshoot!!! What a difference right?..Think vintage..country..little kiddo in the grass or by a rustic building...CUTE!
AllI did was spray paint them...Then I sanded the corners a little bit to help the glaze emphasize the edges a bit..Then I used an antiquing glaze..I painted the top of the block then wiped away the excess glaze...

Okay so I saw this little vanity stool for $7...I fought myself on its potential...and decided to buy it... Isnt it ugly!!

I painted it white...and reupholstered the seat..adorable right???

And lastly...I found these at goodwill too. They were 3.99..No glass..but perfect for what I wanted..I painted the frame..and added a piece of sheet metal that I had in the garage..scrap from my magnet board ..Painted that and now my little girl has a cute magnet board for her room!