I made this mini quilt for my daughters birthday. Me husband made a replica bed of hers in obviously a tiny version and I felt it needed a cute quilt too!! She loves her Cabbage Patch Dolls, so she will love this gift for her birthday!! I used tiny flower prints and a cream colored fabric in a 9 patch design. I also used one of her old shirts I loved that no longer fits her..It had a tiny flower print on it as well. I hope she will give it to her daughter someday.

I also made this large quilt for a client. It was for her parents 50th anniversary. I embroidered all of the kids, and grandkids and great grandkids names on the leaves..appliqued the tree first, then pieced the rest of the quilt.. I picked all of the fabric out as well. I loved this border fabric and chose my color around it. Since I was getting paid for this quilt, I could buy the best fabric and not worry about price.. I got most of it at a quit shop in Sun City.

Also I took this picture of the many quilts I have been given from my grandma.. baby quilts, wedding and graduation, big kid quilts, wall hangings...
Heres a small craft... very easy pin cushion.. We saw them at a quilt show and decided to make some for ourselves.. Its just a canning jar (you could use any size) with inside lid and ring. You hot glue your batting covered with fabric to the inside lid. Then put whatever you want in the jar for decoration (we used antique spools of thread and buttons of my great grandmas, but you could put anything in there) The we put the 2 lids together and screw them on and there you go! cute pin cushon!!

and since this is quilts and crafts, I have a super easy and cute craft.. You know when you go to the home depot and your kids always wants to get paint cards (okay well I dont know if your kids does, but mine does!!) anyway, I got 2 of each color I wanted, matted them on cardstock then laminated them.. there you go, a quick, very cheap memory game!! Im sending mine to a friend, but they would be great for your kids, or as gifts.. Also I thought if you printed out wallets of family pictures, what a fun memory game that would be for your family, or as a gift!! just matte then laminate! cute right??