There are times I make quilts and fall in love with them... and it is hard to part with... yes this is one of them. I love it!!! Now I couldnt and havent kept a quilt I have made for someone else. That is impossible since I make each quilt for a specific person. I have their thoughts, styles and likes in mind as I pick and choose the fabric and patterns :)
I do not premake them "in case" someone has a baby..... Besides I dont have time to premake anything!! I barely get these done! I embroidered the words and did patchwork to frame them. Super soft fleece is on the back in royal blue. I made this for a friend who had her first baby , a boy!! Enjoy Christine! and baby Caden!
Oh my goodness! This is SOOOO adorable! I'm sure they will love it! And I love that you embroidered the words! SO incredibly sweet! YOU ARE SOOOOO TALENTED!